Lauren Ann

A bit about myself.

I’m Lauren. I’m passionate about health and wellbeing, finding my purpose & meaning in supporting others. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, seeing friends, exploring our planet, new experiences, nutritious cooking, baking, running, cycling, yoga, meditation, breathwork and have just embarked on cold water training! 

I have a background of Nursing, with over 10 years’ experience in care and assessment. Although Nurses do not give medical advice, I have knowledge and understanding pertaining to a diverse variety of settings, conditions & presentations. 

I’ve worked within the NHS, private and charity sectors and I also have additional qualifications including a BSc in Psychology and a Level 3 Diploma in Creative Counselling.

In 2022 I qualified as a Solution Focused Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist, after attending the Clifton Practice for Hypnotherapy Training (Level 4 Diploma) – considered as ‘Gold Standard’. 

I am a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) as well as the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH). I am fully insured with an enhanced DBS. 

Continuing to navigate through my own mental health journey of self-discovery and reflection, I have also received therapy as a client. The most profound, lasting & life changing therapy for me, has and continues to be, Hypnotherapy.

My path to date has inspired me to assist others in finding their freedom. The real beauty of my Solution Focused approach; is that you do not focus on the problem, you focus on the solution.

Hand holding a lightbulb | Hynotherapy to Overcome Social


Find out how hypnotherapy can help you.
Jigsaw pieces | Hypnotherapy for Confidence in Job Interviews and Presentations


The right combination of therapies for you.